IEI/MLC/ 57 /AGM-2021 – Dated 16-10-2021

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In accordance with the Institution of Engineers (India) Regulation 6, Notice is hereby given that the 57TH Annual General Meeting of “The Institution of Engineers (India)”, Mysore local centre will be held on Sunday, 31st October 2021 at 11.30 AM in the S.P.Bhat Hall of “The Institution of Engineers(India)”, J.L.B.Road, Mysore -570 005 to transact the following agenda:


  1. Welcome and Read the Meeting notice convening the 57thAnnual General Meeting (AGM).
  2. To confirm the minutes of 56thAnnual General Meeting of IEI,Mysore held  On  08-05-2021.
  3. To Receive, consider & adopt the Annual Report of activities for the year 2020-2021 ended  upto 31-10-2021.
  4. To Receive, consider & adopt Audited Accounts of the Mysore Local Centre for the year 2020-2021 ended 31st March 2021.
  5. To appoint the Auditors for the year 2021-2022 and to fix their remuneration.
  6. Report and Declaration on the Composition of the Committee including Chairman and Honorary Secretary for the sessions 2021-2023.
  7. Address by the Chairman & Vote of Thanks.

The Corporate members of IEI, Mysore Local Centre are requested to make it convenient to attend the 57th Annual General meeting (AGM).

Lunch  : 1.00pm

For and on behalf of the Committee



  1. Members are requested to transact themselves within the agenda provided as per regulations of IEI.
  2. The members are requested to participate and strictly not allowed to speak against any individual member or organization.
  3. The Annual Report & Audited Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2021 are uploaded in the Mysore Local Centre Website.


We are requested you to visit our website  to download the Annual Report, 57th AGM meeting notice & Proceedings and Audited Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2021  and also we would like to inform you that the hard copy of the 57th AGM Booklet is available in the office.  If any Member would like to avail hardcopy, he/she can get the same in IEI, Mysore Local Centre office during office hours.