How Chamundi Hill Loosing its Environment in the name of Construction Activities

Debate on “How Chamundi Hill Loosing its Environment in the name of Construction Activities on 15-11-2019 Maj.Gen.(Retired).Dr.S.G.Vombatkere, Er. Sri U.N.Ravi Kumar Sri Ashvini Ranjan , Dr.N.S.Rangaraju and Er.M.Lakshmana were the Speakers on the occasion
Debate on Bandipur Reserve Forest Highway Traffic Ban

A Debate on “Bandipur Reserve Forest Highway Traffic Ban” on 03-11-2019. Experts from Waynad and Mysore were participated in the Debate.
Presentation and Discussion on Water Crisis in Coming Days

by Maj.Gen.S.G.Vombatkere and Er.M.Lakshmana along with Government Officials