Sri.GUBBIGUDU RAMESH and Sri.BHIMARAJU HIREGOWDA were Chief Guests on the occasion.

The Function started with Regional Anthem.
During Regional Anthem.
A Warm Welcome to Sri.Gubbigudu Ramesh by R.Suresh, Chairman, IEI, Mysore Local Centre.
A Warm Welcome to Sri.Bhimaraju Hiregowda by R.Suresh, Chairman, IEI, Mysore Local Centre.
Programme inaugurated by Lighting the lamp.
Dignitaries on the dias.
Felicitation to the Chief Guest by IEI, Mysore Local Centre Team.
Speech by Chief Guest Sri.Gubbigudu Ramesh.
Speech by Chief Guest Sri.Bhimaraju Hiregowda
Prizes were distributed by the Chief Guest to Singing Competition winners.
Prizes were distributed by the Chief Guest to Singing Competition winners.
Koutilya Vidyalaya won the Rolling Trophy of Kannada Rajyothsava 2018.
A group photo of Prize winners of Kannada Rajyothsava 2018 Singing Competition with the dignitaries.