IEI, Mysore Local Centre in association with Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), Mysore Chapter celebrated National Science Day 2021

Topic: Usefulness of Science for Engineering and Technology
by Sri.Vikram Hebbar, General Manager (IR & HR), J.K.Tyres, Mysore

A warm welcome to the Guest by Dr.R.Suresh, Chairman, IEI, Mysore
Introduction of the Guest by Dr.S.A.Mohan Krishna, Hon.Secretary, ISHRAE, Mysore Chapter
Dignitaries on the dias
Sri.Vikram Hebbar, General Manager (IR & HR), J.K.Tyres, Mysore Delivering the speech
Sri.Vikram Hebbar, General Manager (IR & HR), J.K.Tyres, Mysore is briefing about the Topic
A view of the audience presence
Guest in the Interaction Session
Dr.R.Suresh, Chairman, IEI, Mysore Local Centre is speaking
Er.T.S.Prabhakar, Immediate Past President, ISHRAE, Mysore Chapter is speaking
Felicitation to the Guest by IEI, Mysore Local Centre and ISHRAE, Mysore Chapter Team