Presentation in association with Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), Mysore Chapter
Theme: Understanding Diversity in VRF Design
Mr.Madhukar, Distinguished Speaker, Ex-Director of M/s.Swathi Air Conditioning Pvt.Ltd was the Guest Speaker.

Er.H.S.Suresh Babu, Hon. Secretary, IEI, Mysore is speaking
A warm welcome to the Guest Speaker
Er.Anil Kumar, President, ISHRAE Mysore is speaking
Mr.Arani Srinivas, ISHRAE, Mysore is speaking
Guest speaker in the Presentation session
Guest Speaker is Briefing about the theme
A view of the Audience presence
Er.B.S.Prabhakara, Chairman, IEI, Mysore is speaking
Felicitation to the Guest Speaker by IEI, Mysore Local Centre and ISHRAE, Mysore team
Vote of Thanks by Prof. Chetan, Secretary, ISHRAE, Mysore