Talk on the occasion of World Refrigeration Day in association with Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), Mysore Chapter
Theme: Low Temperature Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables

Date :: 26/06/2019

Guest Speaker :: Sri.T.R. Prabhu Retired. Deputy Director,CSIR/CFTRI, Mysore.

A warm to the Guest Speaker by Dr.R.Suresh, Chairman, IEI, Mysore Local Centre
Introduction of the Guest Speaker by Er.A.Ramesh, ISHRAE, Mysore Chapter.
Guest Speaker in the Presentation Session.
Guest Speaker is briefing about the theme.
A view of the Audience presence.
Guest Speaker in the Interaction Session.
Dr.R.Suresh, Chairman, IEI, Mysore Local Centre is speaking.
Felicitation to the Guest Speaker by IEI, Mysore Local Centre Team.